- I'm a big Lady Gaga fan, so I looked up a picture of her from http://google.com under images, and sketched a portrait of her. I put the picture right beside it to let you know I did not trace over anything. I finished from the necklace down from prue free hand (which in my dictionary mean "intistict image that would be there" or "used no image"). I hope you enjoy it and leave a comment! :)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Art Work
*Leave comments on what you like about my drawings and paintings. I will also take suggestions on what I should draw or paint next, now you can get creative and make up a imaginary character or animal. for example above this paragraph is a "flying whale that has a horn and webbed feet". Have fun and be creative!* :) <3
1 Goldfish= a 10 gallon tank??? :\
Yesterday, Ethan and I when to the Petco here in Cookeville to ge us some fish. Well, I surprisinly bought a nice 10 gallon tank for Ethan because I knew he wanted it. I love to see him happy an felt like it was time to have some more fish. So we go inside and look at the fish (the goldfish looked sad, and their tanks were filthy!!!). We ended up getting matalicly blue drawf fish (I think thats what they are called) and 2 tetra... and then the guy said we can get one more cleaner fish, and that is your limit. So 5 fish is the limit for a 10 gallon tank. My question is do you have a 10 gallon tank that has more than 5 fish, what are the fish and how many are in there?
*oh and according to Petco, 1 goldfish per 10 gallons... whats your thought about that?*
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Hello again. As you might have read, I'm going back to watertown. I just feel like I'm having to leave my home. Its a feeling I can't describe because I've felt it before and it's just something I really dont want to look back on.
The story about this "feeling" is like many other Americans in the United States last year who were losing their home to banks... also known as foreclousers... well... of course I had to explain to my mother about what that was, and that our house was to be foreclosed. We had to be out by December 3rd, 2009.. Before Christmas (now, I know that christmas was by far the worst christmas I've ever had).
Luckily, I had very nice neighbors that let me stay at their house so I could finished out the rest of that semester of school. Lets just say that I didn't even want to show up at school. Then everything went down hill. Yea, I guess you can say that I have some friends.. but not many... and felt like I was so mad at the world, oh and on top of that; immature people made fun of me for no reason... I also (seriouly) was going to fight these two idiots.. and they were guys. Those of you who really know me. I'm not the person you want to mess with when I get mad, and I dot fight like a girl ethier.
Well, back to the story, I didn't really know what to do for christmas break. I stayed at Ethans house so I could have some fun without driving around, or spend any money (because I had none). Then everything turned around. I prayed that if God could help me just a little bit I would be truly happy. Then Ethan and I went to the bank and turns out I had a little over $2000 in my account... (I almost had a heart attack). I think that was truly a Christmas miricle. I acutaly got Ethan some things this year.
*It's diffent, I mean, when you are actualy able to get that special someone anything (without spending their own money to get them something); it made me feel like I acomplished something. *
So, after Ethan decied to move, I could actualy have a home. The only thing I find dumb is that i cannot transfer schools, or go to an adult school with out losing money. So I have to go back to that piece of.... watertown and put up ith a bunch of thier bullsh.... that goes on there.
I' dont want leave. I have new friends that I could relate too (and are mature), and Ethan will be so far away. I strongly dislike (I wanted to use hate) watertown, it has torn me apart. when I graduate from that hell hole I ought to spit in the principal's face and give everyone the bird because I don't give a shit.. yes, I said shit, about that place. All it has done was to give me more trouble and make me feel miserable.
The story about this "feeling" is like many other Americans in the United States last year who were losing their home to banks... also known as foreclousers... well... of course I had to explain to my mother about what that was, and that our house was to be foreclosed. We had to be out by December 3rd, 2009.. Before Christmas (now, I know that christmas was by far the worst christmas I've ever had).
Luckily, I had very nice neighbors that let me stay at their house so I could finished out the rest of that semester of school. Lets just say that I didn't even want to show up at school. Then everything went down hill. Yea, I guess you can say that I have some friends.. but not many... and felt like I was so mad at the world, oh and on top of that; immature people made fun of me for no reason... I also (seriouly) was going to fight these two idiots.. and they were guys. Those of you who really know me. I'm not the person you want to mess with when I get mad, and I dot fight like a girl ethier.
Well, back to the story, I didn't really know what to do for christmas break. I stayed at Ethans house so I could have some fun without driving around, or spend any money (because I had none). Then everything turned around. I prayed that if God could help me just a little bit I would be truly happy. Then Ethan and I went to the bank and turns out I had a little over $2000 in my account... (I almost had a heart attack). I think that was truly a Christmas miricle. I acutaly got Ethan some things this year.
*It's diffent, I mean, when you are actualy able to get that special someone anything (without spending their own money to get them something); it made me feel like I acomplished something. *
So, after Ethan decied to move, I could actualy have a home. The only thing I find dumb is that i cannot transfer schools, or go to an adult school with out losing money. So I have to go back to that piece of.... watertown and put up ith a bunch of thier bullsh.... that goes on there.
I' dont want leave. I have new friends that I could relate too (and are mature), and Ethan will be so far away. I strongly dislike (I wanted to use hate) watertown, it has torn me apart. when I graduate from that hell hole I ought to spit in the principal's face and give everyone the bird because I don't give a shit.. yes, I said shit, about that place. All it has done was to give me more trouble and make me feel miserable.
Monday, January 25, 2010
some high schools are just one big joke. (aka Watertown)
Sorry everyone, I have been busy lately an unable to be able (laugh) to post a new blog. I had something on my mind today that has been bothering me... its a hell on Earth.. and it's name is Watertown, TN. It seems that I have to go back to that hell hole that I finaly crawled out of. In order for me to atleast have peace of mind, I "have" to go back. honestly This school has been the worst school I've ever been at. I rather go to a strict private school, than go back to crapy ole' Watetown. Senior year, is a joke there. Seriously, they dont even treat you like an adult when your 18 years of age. I'm not scared to go back... I'm more like... (whats a good word) DISAPOINTED. I've been through hell, and have seen all kinds of ...SH... stuff a normal person sould not see. The only reason why I'm going back is to get my money, graduate, and get the hell out of there.
What is so important about that piece of Sh.... town anyway. Is it because it's a "historical" place and has a "rusty Ole' train" running through it. Oh, and dont forget those Hilbillie country videos that were filmed there ;D! ... I really dont like country. music.... for that particular reason. Anyways, That school is rude and run by Rude Childish People, that DO NOT give you a chance to explain yourself and worry about how much money they make... and watetown students know who i'm talking about.... ( *tweet*!!...UHH!!!)
I love how everyone makes fun of them... anyways, leave me a comment about why you do not or didn't like watertown.
Now for you people that like Watertown.. you will understad when you get older and you immaturity, goes away. :)
* I would put a picture up here but I dont know if I can or not ... and its not bad, its just watertown high school with a circle and a line through it.. and dont forget the boooooo!!! lol ;) *
What is so important about that piece of Sh.... town anyway. Is it because it's a "historical" place and has a "rusty Ole' train" running through it. Oh, and dont forget those Hilbillie country videos that were filmed there ;D! ... I really dont like country. music.... for that particular reason. Anyways, That school is rude and run by Rude Childish People, that DO NOT give you a chance to explain yourself and worry about how much money they make... and watetown students know who i'm talking about.... ( *tweet*!!...UHH!!!)
I love how everyone makes fun of them... anyways, leave me a comment about why you do not or didn't like watertown.
Now for you people that like Watertown.. you will understad when you get older and you immaturity, goes away. :)
* I would put a picture up here but I dont know if I can or not ... and its not bad, its just watertown high school with a circle and a line through it.. and dont forget the boooooo!!! lol ;) *
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Mistreatment young and growing up
I dont have any of my art work posted up, yet I should tell you of my so called familes background. I found out that I was pretty much living a lie with my mom when I was seventeen. As I rewind the years, when I was a young child, my mom and dad never had a great realtionship. Sitting down and watching the home videos my mother made were not so nice. My mother is a mexican, and the thing you have to know that a lot, and I mean LOT of mexicans are rude people. I have no idea what my mother's life was in Mexico, but I figured all she said was lies. My father is an American, thank god, I probaly would have not made it if both of my parents were mexicans.
My mother had a favorite from her three children (seriously, what kind of mother would have a favorite?) the oldest is my brother, Paul, and my sister is the middle sibling, Vannessa. Me, well I am the youngest. my brother is thirty three, I think, and my sister, twenty eight. They also did not treat me well. My sister turned out to be the favorite. My mother was so fond of my sister, that she would forget my name and call me Vannessa all the time. As for my brother, I looked up to him, I "thought" he was the greatest person alive until last year. My father was there for me more than anyone until the divorce.
My so called mother filled my head with lies about "how awful" my father was to her and to my siblings. I should have new better than that, to believe her, but I like I had no choice. I never had close friends because my mother drove them away from me. After the divoice, I was but only in the fifth grade. My mother would make me cut my hair so short that I looked like a boy, and on top of that, I wore glasses. I went to a private school, and my life was greatly getting worse.
The girls had to wear skirts and button up blouses, while the boys had to wear button up shirts with a tie, and kaki pants. Even I, wearing a skirt, felt embarassed when a nun asked if i was "a genderd confused retard". Of corse I broke down to tears. That school was Hell, and I would never go back.
So thanks to my so called mother, I was made fun of a lot in grade school. The only thing I felt her actually "loved" me for was my abillity to play the trumpet. I'd practiced and practied, and became great, but still wasn't enough to even earn my own name.
So I became Vannessa when she moved out of the hell house (my so called home). Do this and do that, I cleaned, cook, took care of animals, and my mother would complain that she's "tired" with all the stress i put her though. I hardly even spoke, I didn't have anyone to call or turn. I would have to go to the counciler 5th-8th grade because "I didn't make friends" well. I was the oddball and the girls, which were only five of them; including me, in my class. They were so mean to me, and I get in trouble for not talking to them. Everyone at that school could not understand why such a "good" mother have a child that cannot function in socity.
Nothing was wrong with me. I just couldn't say anything. That sums up my younger years, filled with gloom and not even being able to hear or see my dad since the divorce, which was eleven years without him even contacting me. I even thought about suicide when I was nine. I had no one to turn too.
I do have a family now, but they are not biological. They love me as if I was one of their own. Ethan, my boyfriend and soon to be my fiance, has shown me that someone could love me and protect me from evil people like my mother and siblings. I love them as well and its sad to say I never knew what love was until I met Ethan and his family (which was three years ago). Imagine, you feel like years of your life go by without anyone showing any compassion and love toward you.
I am glad that God has blessed me with people that dont believe that I'm crazy and love me for who I am. But I'm not done telling my story, there is much more to be said.
My mother had a favorite from her three children (seriously, what kind of mother would have a favorite?) the oldest is my brother, Paul, and my sister is the middle sibling, Vannessa. Me, well I am the youngest. my brother is thirty three, I think, and my sister, twenty eight. They also did not treat me well. My sister turned out to be the favorite. My mother was so fond of my sister, that she would forget my name and call me Vannessa all the time. As for my brother, I looked up to him, I "thought" he was the greatest person alive until last year. My father was there for me more than anyone until the divorce.
My so called mother filled my head with lies about "how awful" my father was to her and to my siblings. I should have new better than that, to believe her, but I like I had no choice. I never had close friends because my mother drove them away from me. After the divoice, I was but only in the fifth grade. My mother would make me cut my hair so short that I looked like a boy, and on top of that, I wore glasses. I went to a private school, and my life was greatly getting worse.
The girls had to wear skirts and button up blouses, while the boys had to wear button up shirts with a tie, and kaki pants. Even I, wearing a skirt, felt embarassed when a nun asked if i was "a genderd confused retard". Of corse I broke down to tears. That school was Hell, and I would never go back.
So thanks to my so called mother, I was made fun of a lot in grade school. The only thing I felt her actually "loved" me for was my abillity to play the trumpet. I'd practiced and practied, and became great, but still wasn't enough to even earn my own name.
So I became Vannessa when she moved out of the hell house (my so called home). Do this and do that, I cleaned, cook, took care of animals, and my mother would complain that she's "tired" with all the stress i put her though. I hardly even spoke, I didn't have anyone to call or turn. I would have to go to the counciler 5th-8th grade because "I didn't make friends" well. I was the oddball and the girls, which were only five of them; including me, in my class. They were so mean to me, and I get in trouble for not talking to them. Everyone at that school could not understand why such a "good" mother have a child that cannot function in socity.
Nothing was wrong with me. I just couldn't say anything. That sums up my younger years, filled with gloom and not even being able to hear or see my dad since the divorce, which was eleven years without him even contacting me. I even thought about suicide when I was nine. I had no one to turn too.
I do have a family now, but they are not biological. They love me as if I was one of their own. Ethan, my boyfriend and soon to be my fiance, has shown me that someone could love me and protect me from evil people like my mother and siblings. I love them as well and its sad to say I never knew what love was until I met Ethan and his family (which was three years ago). Imagine, you feel like years of your life go by without anyone showing any compassion and love toward you.
I am glad that God has blessed me with people that dont believe that I'm crazy and love me for who I am. But I'm not done telling my story, there is much more to be said.
The Beginning
Hello and let me introduce myself. My name is Giuliani and I am 18. Many people have a hard time saying my name,and writing it down, so just call me G. Well, I just decided to start a Blog today. Just to give you a brief intoduction of myself, I guess I would consider myself an unknown artist. I have seen many situations in my life that inspires my art work (you should also consider the bad side of life also). I've been through a lot. I once had a family, I thought I knew, but then eveything changed. I will tell you my life stories that may be absolutely hilarious, but also devastating to even read. I will also show my art work as well. I would be very glad to have comments on my stories and art work. Many say its good, but I want to hear/read what you have to say. I would be honnored if you would follow me through my times of joy and the trageties of my life. Let me know your stories as well. I will post another Blog later tonight.
Good day-G
Good day-G
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